
Error in documentation

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, awesome project.

I believe there’s a little error at the end of the documentation:

The docker-compose starts two services:

bumper itself
nginx proxy, which redirects MQTT traffic on port 443 to port 8883
The redirection is required as the app v2+ and robots with a newer firmware are connecting to the mqtt server on port 433.

shouldn’t it be port 443 at the end?

I've got Bumper working with Home Assistant - and works well.

However, i'm not able to get the ios app working.

@VilterPD what's working for you?

It's working, no problem. It just states 443 once and 433 the other time. It's a little hard to see

Which app are you using? iOS or Andriod?

also, which install method did you use - direct install, docker?

Same, I change in docker install version 443:8883, Bumper is ok, HAOS connected, but iOS Evovacs Home doesn’t work. Actually it is asking actual email and password and deboot shown offline. ca.crt was installed to iOS.

, I change in docker install version 443:8883, Bumper is ok, HAOS connected, but iOS Evovacs Home doesn’t work. Actually it is asking actual email and password and deboot shown offline. ca.crt was installed to iOS.

Thanks for confirming, hopefully someone can help with a resolution.

Im quite sure many here are missing my point

There are two ports in mentioned in the documentation:

443 which is usually used for ssl/tls


433 which is usually used for NNTP, part of Network News Transfer Protocol

Does Bumper use Network News Transfer Protocol? Or is it a typo and should be 443 for ssl/tls?

Im quite sure many here are missing my point

There are two ports in mentioned in the documentation:

443 which is usually used for ssl/tls


433 which is usually used for NNTP, part of Network News Transfer Protocol

Does Bumper use Network News Transfer Protocol? Or is it a typo and should be 443 for ssl/tls?

Bumper server is running on Docker as flw:
docker run -it -e "BUMPER_ANNOUNCE_IP=X.X.X.X" -p 443:8883 -p 8007:8007 -p 8883:8883 -p 5223:5223 -v /home/user/bumper/data:/bumper/data --name bumper bmartin5692/bumper

Home assistant successfully connected and I can use my Deebot 950, but IOS app is not working unfortunately. Deebot shows offline still. May be I need to change something is run data?