
Menu is not showing at the correct position on ubuntu

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Thanks for your effort with this project, I really needed a handy calendar on my linux. Here's how the menu appears for me:


Also recurring events do not appear on the other days.
It would help to make a small mention somewhere in the readme/wiki about creating and populating the secrets.json file with your own google oauth secret and id.

I don't know if this is the expected behaviour on mac but on ubuntu when I click on the icon on the menubar a button appears that when I click on opens the calendar and if I click on it again it closes it.

Thanks for trying this out on Linux! I hadn't yet.

  1. Recurring events should work, but let me take a further look.
  2. The README does need to be updated, I agree!
  3. Hm, ideally it would show near the icon. I'm seeing this issue on the menubar module I'm using: max-mapper/menubar#123.

@pendar747 I've updated the readme, fixed the font in linux, removed the leveldb requirement (no more rebuild required after install), and updated the sync calls to fetch some more events. Let me know if the recurring events still aren't showing up correctly. They are for me.

@pendar747 You'll need to run npm run clear-data after running npm install once you pull down the latest changes.

Thanks for the quick reply, I just pulled and works fine!

recurring events seem to work fine. the only issue is the popup position on linux and the small green border between the calendar and the top panel that you can see on @pendar747 screen capture. thanks for your work!