A utility package with JavaScript helper functions.
Helper functions for working with date objects.
Returns the difference between two dates in days
import { getDayDifferenceBetweenDates } from 'bmax-utils';
const today = new Date();
const tomorrow = new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 1);
getDayDifferenceBetweenDates(today, tomorrow);
// 1
A package of helper functions that can vary from very general to very specific use cases.
Converts a camel case string to low dash separated string if a string is passed to the function. If an object is passed to the function, it will convert its camelCase keys to low dash separated keys.
import { camelCaseToLowDash } from 'bmax-utils';
// 'hallo_welt'
camelCaseToLowDash({ halloWelt: 'halloWelt' });
// { hallo_welt: 'halloWelt' }
Generates a valid rgba() css string from a hex, rgb or rgba color with the opacity as second parameter.
import { generateOpacity } from 'bmax-utils';
generateOpacity('rgb(0, 51, 255)', 0.6);
// 'rgba(0, 51, 255, 0.6)'
generateOpacity('rgba(0, 51, 255, .1)', 0.6);
// 'rgba(0, 51, 255, 0.6)'
generateOpacity('#0033ff', 0.6);
// 'rgba(0, 51, 255, 0.6)'
Generates trigger of dispatched actions to identify which component triggered an action
A simple but useful function for redux applications.
import { generateTrigger } from 'bmax-utils';
const trigger = generateTrigger('utils/helper/tests');
// ...
myFunction = () => {
type: 'TEST_ACTION',
payload: {
id: 1,
trigger: trigger('myFunction'),
Will dispatch:
type: 'TEST_ACTION',
payload: {
id: 1,
trigger: 'utils/helper/tests/myFunction',
* Can read error messages from ajax responses in a specific format
* Can read error messages from a indicative.js validation response
// Ajax response input format:
response: {
errors: {
items: [
'My error message 1',
'My error message 2',
status: 403,
// Validation response format
field: 'body.username',
message: 'The username is required',
validation: 'required',
field: 'body.password',
message: 'The password is required',
validation: 'required',
import { getErrorsFromAjaxOrValidationResponse } from 'bmax-utils';
Options can be:
ignoreValidationMessages?: boolean;
ignoreBackendMessages?: boolean;
ignoreStatusCodeMessages?: boolean;
defaultValidationMessageIfEmpty?: string;
defaultIfEmpty?: string;
customStatusCodeMessages?: object; // can be i.e. { 404: 'Not Found' }
getErrorsFromAjaxOrValidationResponse(response, options);
Will always return:
ajax: string[]; // Returns error messages based on HTTP status codes defined in the options
all: string[]; // All validation messages
backend: string[]; // Messages from a backend response
default: string[]; // Default messages (configured in options)
validation: string[]; // Messages from an indicative.js validation
xhrStatus: number; // The HTTP status code
Converts 6 digit long hex color to rgb.
import { hexToRgb } from 'bmax-utils';
// { r: 0, g: 51, b: 255 }
Checks if a value is true-ish
import { isTrueIsh } from 'bmax-utils';
// true
// true
// true
// false
Converts a low dash separated string to camel case string if a string is passed to the function. If an object is passed to the function, it will convert its low dash separated keys to camelCase keys.
import { lowDashToCamelCase } from 'bmax-utils';
// 'halloWelt'
lowDashToCamelCase({ hallo_welt: 'hallo_welt' });
// { halloWelt: 'hallo_welt' }
Helper functions for working with objects
Returns an Object without the forbidden properties
import { blacklist } from 'bmax-utils';
foo: 1,
bar: 2,
baz: 3,
// { foo: 1 }
Defines a function that filters an object to contain no keys matching the strings in the submitted list
import { defineBlacklist } from 'bmax-utils';
const blacklist = defineBlacklist(['foo', 'bar']);
foo: 1,
bar: 2,
baz: 3,
// { baz: 3 }
fi: 1,
bar: 2,
fum: 3,
// { fi: 1, fum: 3 }
Defines a function that filters an object to contain only keys matching the strings in the submitted list
import { defineWhitelist } from 'bmax-utils';
const whitelist = defineWhitelist(['foo', 'bar']);
foo: 1,
bar: 2,
baz: 3,
// { foo: 1, bar: 2 }
fi: 1,
bar: 2,
fum: 3,
// { bar: 2 }
Filters an object and returns a new object whose properties are the keys of the source object with the filtered prop as value
import { filterForProperty } from 'bmax-utils';
name: {
key: 'name',
validation: 'min:3',
value: 'a',
email: {
key: 'mail',
value: 'b',
phone: {
key: 'phone',
value: '0'
}, 'value');
Will return:
name: 'a',
email: 'b',
phone: '0',
Checks if an object has keys that match to the RegExp
import { hasMatchingKeys } from 'bmax-utils';
test: 1,
tester: 2,
foo: 3,
}, /er$/);
// true
test: 1,
foo: 3,
}, /er$/)
// false
Returns an Object that contains only the allowed properties
import { whitelist } from 'bmax-utils';
foo: 1,
bar: 2,
baz: 3,
// { bar: 2, baz: 3 }
Helper functions for working with strings
Formats json params to GET HTTP parameters
import { formatGetUrlParameters } from 'bmax-utils';
number: 1234,
key: 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709',
// '?number=1234&secret=da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709'
Replaces a placeholder string
Placeholders look like: {key}
import { replacePlaceholder } from 'bmax-utils';
replacePlaceholder('The id is: {id}', { id: 1 });
// 'The id is: 1'