
Issues with effect paths and environment variables

NextDesign1 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there, I'm currently getting dsp set up, but have run into an issue where it doesn't seem to be discovering my configuration files properly.

I have the following files:

$ ls /home/user/.config/ladspa_dsp
config  eq.txt
$ cat /home/user/.config/ladspa_dsp/config
$ cat /home/user/.config/ladspa_dsp/eq.txt
gain -7.4 lowshelf 62 0.9 7.0 eq 145 4.0 2.0 eq 670 4.5 -7.0 eq 740 4.5 6.0 eq 1820 1.5 -5.0 eq 3000 1.8 5.4 eq 3450 6.0 -2.3 eq 4800 2.0 3.5 highshelf 6000 1.2 -4.7

The environment variables that are referenced in the documentation seem to be correct:

$ echo $HOME

Yet if I try to plot the effect, I get the following:

$ ./dsp -pn @eq.txt | gnuplot
./dsp: info: failed to load effects file: eq.txt: No such file or directory

If I specify a direct path, I run into another error:

$ ./dsp -pn /home/user/config/ladspa_dsp/eq.txt 
./dsp: ffmpeg: error: could not find an audio stream
./dsp: error: failed to open input: /home/user/.config/ladspa_dsp/eq.txt

However I can apply the effect to a file in the following way without issue:

$ ./dsp /home/user/Desktop/audio.flac gain -7.4 lowshelf 62 0.9 7.0 eq 145 4.0 2.0 eq 670 4.5 -7.0 eq 740 4.5 6.0 eq 1820 1.5 -5.0 eq 3000 1.8 5.4 eq 3450 6.0 -2.3 eq 4800 2.0 3.5 highshelf 6000 1.2 -4.7

And I can plot the response:

$ ./dsp -pn gain -7.4 lowshelf 62 0.9 7.0 eq 145 4.0 2.0 eq 670 4.5 -7.0 eq 740 4.5 6.0 eq 1820 1.5 -5.0 eq 3000 1.8 5.4 eq 3450 6.0 -2.3 eq 4800 2.0 3.5 highshelf 6000 1.2 -4.7
set xlabel 'frequency (Hz)'
set ylabel 'amplitude (dB)'
set logscale x
set samples 500
set grid xtics ytics

I've run the application through strace, and I don't see any mention of environment variables being read - not even the verbose flags.

Has anyone else run into these issues? I'm using bash on Ubuntu 18.04.

bmc0 commented

Only the LADSPA plugin reads environment variables and loads configuration files.

If I specify a direct path, I run into another error:

Effects file paths must be prefixed with the @ character. Your command causes the program to attempt to read the file as audio data. The correct command would be:

$ ./dsp -pn @~/.config/ladspa_dsp/eq.txt

Your ladspa_dsp configuration looks fine, so the plugin should work.

Thank you for your help, that did it.
