
Add ability to enter existing interface public / private key to Vector

Closed this issue · 1 comments


As a Vector user I want / need the ability to add my own public and private keys for an existing interface I want to have added to the Wireguard server as a peer, but done through the Vector UI.

Acceptance Criteria

  • An option (button) to enable the Private Key and Public Key manual entry fields on the Interface creation form.
  • Addition of 2 fields.
    • Private Key
    • Public Key
  • Method checks and modification to include these manually entered fields when adding the peer to the server, as well as to the interface storage database.


Are Public and Private keys a specific length?

  • If so, we can check that the entered information conforms to this character length before saving.

Are there certain characters at any given position we can check to verify the keys entered are (most likely) valid in form?
