
ASM_SOURCES not included in OBJECTS

Flo2410 opened this issue · 6 comments

As mentioned by @has213, the ASM_SOURCES are no longer included in the OBJECTS after the last update with the fix for #143.

Adding OBJECTS += $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(notdir $(ASM_SOURCES:.s=.o))) fixed the issue.

Hi jortbmd,

Maybe there is an Error in the makefile generation


There are no UPPER_CASE_ASM_SOURCES and LOWER_CASE_ASM_SOURCES only ASM_SOURCES, which will not be included in OBJECTS

Originally posted by @has213 in #143 (comment)

m4tto commented

I have the same issue. The startup script is not compiled and the generated elf file is basically empty.

Thanks for opening up this issue! I am currently on it somehow this got through the whole pipeline without triggering errors. Just tested the fix and will try to resolve this ASAP. Will keep you posted

Just published the new release. Could everybody please checks that this resolves the issue? Also thanks for notifying me this quickly!

m4tto commented

It's working now. Thanks!

Yes, it works. Thanks!

FYI: The comment # list of ASM program objects is duplicated.

Great to hear that it is working. @Flo2410 Thanks for pointing out the double comment. For now I will fix this in an upcoming release.
As it is working now I will close this issue. Should any of you experience a new issue or wants a feature request don't hesitate to open up a new issue.