
BUG: SVD files not working anymore, due to svd url not existing anymore.

jortbmd opened this issue · 5 comments

The orignal source for the SVD files has dissapeared for the STMicro SVD files. Should look for an alternative and implement this once again.

All the SVD files are also present in the STMCubeMX application under
C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\SVD
How can I add this to the extention?

Add svd file to your project and set it in your launch.json configuration.
for example "svdFile": "STM32G070.svd"

Ah, my question was not clear enough but thank you for your reply.
I know how to fix my problem but, as jortbmd wrote, bmd-studio normally can find the files but the link is broken.
My suggestion is to look for the SVD files on the local machine.

Thanks @Peter5d5. I prefer not to implement it this way as I cannot guarantee that certain programs are present (e.g. CubeProgrammer.) However I will take it into account when looking for a solution. If I cannot find a better solutions this might be a nice fallback strategy.

@jortbmd My mistake, I though it was part of the STM32MXCubeMX package but you are correct. It came with the CubeProgrammer (like the path I provided 🤦)

Edit: But the only part I needed to edit was the openocd.cfg file and change the line
Source [find target/xxx.cfg]
which can be found in the target directory of the openocd package