
Have problem ETIMEDOUT

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Hello i Have problem ETIMEDOUT
How i can solve this ?

oleg@SKY-NOTE:~/projects/trb/binance-triangle-arbitrage$ npm start

binance-triangle-arbitrage@6.2.0 start /home/oleg/projects/trb/binance-triangle-arbitrage
node src/main/Main.js

Checking configuration ...
Checking latency ...
Experiencing 505 ms of latency
Fetching exchange info ...
Found 1038/1405 currently trading tickers
Found 174 triangular trades
Checking market conditions ...
Opening 321 depth websockets for 321 tickers ...
at Timeout. (/home/oleg/projects/trb/binance-triangle-arbitrage/node_modules/request/request.js:848:19)
at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17)
at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7) {
code: 'ETIMEDOUT',
connect: true
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! binance-triangle-arbitrage@6.2.0 start: node src/main/Main.js
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the binance-triangle-arbitrage@6.2.0 start script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /home/oleg/.npm/_logs/2021-04-18T23_14_13_424Z-debug.log

I use any values:

But i have this error.
How i can debug this ?
UPD I can run this i use "WHITELIST": ["BTC", "BNB", "ETH"]

My config

    "KEYS": {
        "API": "*",
        "SECRET": "*"

        "BTC": {
            "MIN": 0.010,
            "MAX": 0.015,
            "STEP": 0.005

    "SCANNING": {
        "DEPTH": 50,
        "WHITELIST": []

    "EXECUTION": {
        "ENABLED": false,
        "CAP": 1,
        "STRATEGY": "linear",
        "TEMPLATE": ["BUY", "SELL", "SELL"],
        "FEE": 0.075,
        "THRESHOLD": {
            "PROFIT": 0.00,
            "AGE": 25

    "HUD": {
        "ENABLED": true,
        "ROWS": 10,
        "REFRESH_RATE": 500

    "LOG": {
        "LEVEL": "debug",
        "PRETTY_PRINT": true,

    "WEBSOCKET": {
        "BUNDLE_SIZE": 10,

        "useServerTime": true



I'm having the same issue anyone have any luck resolving this?

I'm having the same issue anyone have any luck resolving this?

I was able to resolve my issue it was a firewall issue, was running on a VM and also had to increase my resources.

@ScuzzyHoulihan How did you solve it?

Not a problem when using BTC as the main coin.
Error when using USDT as the main coin.
This happens even with the firewall disabled.

@yumewebs, can you share your config for USDT and the improvements you made to the bot?

At the end I could solve it and I improved the bot, the code and the speed. Even the algorithm is better and is showing me positive opportunities each minute. The only problem (not related with the bot at all) is the glide of the market and sometimes the bot needs to take more than hour to do the three orders.

How?? Share your config pls