
Format Type UI needs tweaking

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First off... I see that we can each change the format type grouping in our own Root Server but I think these changes I'm listing below should be changed overall. I apologize if this doesn't appear to be in any order, I just kept listing them as I saw them. I'm not even sure this is a complete list and I'd be happy to get on a meeting to discuss these all. Maybe as a group we can go through each format and come to a consensus on all of them.

  • LC (Living Clean), IG (Introductory Guide), and WD (Writing/Discussion) are in the "Other or empty format type" grouping but they should be in the "Meeting Format" grouping.
  • HIV should be in the "Common Needs and Restrictions" grouping.
  • I think that BST (Beginner's Step) belongs in the "Meeting Format" grouping.
  • NS (No Smoking) doesn't belong in Meeting Format but I'm not sure if it should go in "Common Needs and Restrictions" or "Location Code."
  • SL (ASL) probably should be in Common Needs also as that's really a language.
  • And I think CL (Candlelight) should be in the Other or empty format type grouping along with Keytags.
  • I'm also seeing L/R (Lithuanian/Russian) in the Meeting Format grouping and that should be in Common Needs.
  • IL (Illness is described in the root server as "This meeting is focused on the needs of NA members with chronic illness." so it should be in Common Needs and not Meeting Format. I wasn't sure initially as it might have been using the In Times of Illness booklet as the format but based on the description I think it's a Common Needs meeting.

I actually think Language should be separated out from the other Common Needs but I'm open to discuss that because each root server probably has a default language so if we're specifying something other than that I guess it is a Common Need. We don't label every meeting in our root server as English Speaking as it's the default. We only label those in Spanish as such.