error in scan
shawngraham opened this issue · 3 comments
shawngraham commented
Hi Ben,
I accidentally reinstalled wordVectors, and now, on a file that worked fine before, I get this kind of error:
scan() expected 'a real', got 'm��9&x�9�����&e����8x0S9���8�_l7m�{�*��9DD��ܲ�86�R��҅�c�g�ƒ��0O49�|S9P�O9�V�8���8y鄹G(�����9/݄9��X9��(�z[�9!i'
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In utils::read.table(filename, header = F, skip = 1, colClasses = c("character", :
line 4 appears to contain embedded nulls
2: In utils::read.table(filename, header = F, skip = 1, colClasses = c("character", :
line 5 appears to contain embedded nulls``` I was thinking that maybe it was an encoding issue, but file is in UTF-8, all seems tickety-boo. Wondered what you thought.
shawngraham commented
hmm. Never mind! whatever I was doing, I apparently have now sorted it out. Man, so much of what I do is just cargo-cult DH...
bmschmidt commented
FTR, this is probably related to my having shifted the default storage format from text to binary to save space and time. If you encounter it again, you might need to explicitly say "binary=TRUE" or "binary=FALSE" in a call to 'read.vectors.'
shawngraham commented
ah! cool, thanks!