Getting some security alerts after importing Cargo plugin
xinlake opened this issue · 1 comments
xinlake commented
I use the Cargo plugin to compile RUST code and it works fine. Full script is here
cargo {
module = "src/main/rust/shadowsocks-rust"
libname = "sslocal"
targets = ["arm", "arm64"]
profile = findProperty("CARGO_PROFILE")?.toString() ?: getCurrentBuildType()
extraCargoBuildArguments = ["--bin", libname]
exec = { spec, toolchain ->
def pythonList = ["python3", "python"]
for (python in pythonList) {
try {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("$python -V >/dev/null 2>&1")
spec.environment("RUST_ANDROID_GRADLE_PYTHON_COMMAND", "$python")
project.logger.lifecycle("$python detected.")
} catch (Exception ignored) {
spec.environment("RUST_ANDROID_GRADLE_LINKER_WRAPPER_PY", "$projectDir/$module/../")
spec.environment("RUST_ANDROID_GRADLE_TARGET", "target/${}/$profile/lib${libname}.so")
But GitHub prompts security issues
GitHub found 6 vulnerabilities on xinlake/privch's default branch (2 high, 3 moderate, 1 low)
xinlake commented
Sorry, I thought these issues might belong other project