
Could it read github readme?

raitucarp opened this issue · 5 comments

I tested, it only until

so it's easy to switch

the rest is invalid? what happens?

bndr commented

I'm going to mark this as a bug, and see what I can do.

Hi, I'm back again..
what's the status of this bug?

Could I test more URLs that has invalid result?

bndr commented

Sorry, I didn't have the time to go over this bug yet. Maybe this weekened, or after that.

If you would like you can try finding the bug yourself and submitting a pull request.

I'm trying to debug the code.
I don't understand the utility of filterCandidates (in utils.js). If I remove all the filter code and I just put


outside the if statement article.content return the same content of the most positive container in the page. In our case Github readme where displayed correctly.

So my question is: If we found the most important container in the page why remove somenthing from that?

bndr commented

This should be fixed in the latest commit.