
Cannot call method 'authenticate' of undefined

nnarasimha opened this issue · 0 comments

I am unable to authenticate with this exception. Below is my code, can someone please help me

UserSchema.plugin(mongooseAuth, {
everymodule: {
everyauth: {
User: function() {
return User;
//loginWith: 'email',
everyauth: {
getLoginPath: '/login',
postLoginPath: '/login',
loginView: 'home/login.jade',
postRegisterPath: '/register',
registerView: 'home/register.jade',
loginSuccessRedirect: '/mallHome',
registerSuccessRedirect: '/mallHome',
extractExtraRegistrationParams: function (req) {
first_name: req.body.first_name,
last_name: req.body.last_name,
password_confirm: req.body.password_confirm
validateRegistration: function (newUserAttrs, errors) {

                /*if(newUserAttrs.password != newUserAttrs.password_confirm){
                    errors.push(new Error("passwords dont match"));

                return errors;*/
            registerUser: function (newUserAttrs) {

                /*delete newUserAttrs.password_confirm;

                var promise = this.Promise();
                User.createWithPassword(newUserAttrs, function(err, user) {
                    if (err){
                        return promise.fulfill([err]);  
                return promise;*/

            authenticate: function (login, password) {
                var promise
                , errors = [];

                if (!login) errors.push('Missing login.');
                if (!password) errors.push('Missing password.');
                if (errors.length) return errors;

                promise = this.Promise();
                this.User()().authenticate(login, password, function (err, user) {
                  if (err) {
                    errors.push(err.message || err);
                    return promise.fulfill(errors);
                  if (!user) {
                    errors.push('Failed login.');
                    return promise.fulfill(errors);

                  if (!user) {
                    errors.push('Failed login.');
                    return promise.fulfill(errors);


