
running TaskscheduleR on RStudio Project

msgoussi opened this issue · 3 comments

Create a "Trial.proj" via RStudio
Create Script "A.R"
rm(list = ls())
x <- 1:5
Create Script "B.R"
source("A.R", chdir = TRUE)
y <- x^2
write(y, "D:/sample_nums.txt")

can i use the package to run Script B which exists inside a project?

taskscheduleR is not linked to RStudio projects, you don't need RStudio to schedule R scripts with the taskscheduleR package.
My preference is to use environment variables instead of rstudioapi::getActiveProject as the latter won't work when you schedule a task using the windows task scheduler.
See issues #60

You can use source, but provide the full path to a file.

I have read your issues #60 and i tried to edit Enviroment Variables in Windows 10 (both user variables and System variables) and i fialed to run the task.
Is possible to create a dummy exmaple for explanation.?

I think the best place to ask these questions is stackoverflow. The issue tracker here is mainly for bugs not for how-to-do-things. Stackoverflow is the best channel there. Closing.