
TaskSchedule Location

msgoussi opened this issue · 5 comments

When I use taskscheduler_create, it saves the task in "C:\Windows\System32\Tasks".

Is it possible to save in under "C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Test", so it will be user to navigate.


this R package uses schtasks.exe to schedule the task
you can pass the user or an xml file to it if that helps you

My question is when I use taskscheduler_create, is there any argument to pass the location C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Test so it would easier view all user tasks under one folder.

You can pass on an xml file containing all possible taskscheduler settings in argument schtasks_extra of taskscheduler_create.
R package taskscheduleR passes thing on to schtasks.exe
So you can do it if you understand the xml structure. Google schtasks.exe xml to find out how that task looks like or export a task scheduled with taskscheduleR in xml to see what it looks like

It seems that you misunderstood my point.
However i figured out how to create Task under specific folder

myscript <- system.file("extdata", "helloworld.R", package = "taskscheduleR")
taskscheduler_create(taskname = "Test\myfancyscript", rscript = myscript,
schedule = "ONCE", starttime = runon)

However i figured out how to create Task under specific folder

Good to hear that.