Copy/Paste Normals dousn't seem to be working
guategeek opened this issue · 1 comments
Hey awesome plugin thanks for all the hard work.
I can't seem to get any kind of behavior at all from the Copy/Pase Normals option. and yet its something I really need for my use case.
I have tried both the "Copy Active Normal to Selected" with at least two normal's selected and nether of them changes to match the other. Likewise using "Store Active Normal" on a selected normal and then "Paste Stored Normal" on another does nothing ether.
I have tried both options on standard normal mode, and also in the "Edit Individual Loop Normals" mode.
I have tried both with 3.0.0 beta, and 2.93.5
Am I doing something wrong, or is Copy/Paste Normals simply not working?
Well I'm not sure what was happening before, but what was throwing me for a loop was that Abnormal uses "Right Click" for select by default, and for some reason with circle select (the only way I could figure out how to select) the copy/paste options were not doing anything.
I changed the plugin settings to use left click and then I was able to use the copy/pase comands and they worked. What I'm still confused about is that circe selecting one vert and copying, and then deselecting and circle selecting another vert and pasting now is working (which was what I was trying to do before I changed to left click select and that did work now, but wasn't working before so I'm confused).
None the less I was thinking it would be good to add a simple left or right mouse select option in the preferences, or even better if it could check the blender setup if blender is set to left use left, if set to right use right.