- 2
"FrozenError: can't modify frozen String" in 2.7 with frozen string literal options
#243 opened by anthonykaufman - 1
[WIP]: SystemStackError: stack level too deep when parsing specific PDF files with `catalogs[:Resources]`
#242 opened by tagliala - 7
Parsing specific PDF in 1.0.21 - RangeError: index out of range (works in 1.0.20)
#205 opened by Laykou - 0
combine_pdf/parser.rb:188:in `[]': no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer (TypeError)
#240 opened by shahafabileah - 6
- 1
- 1
- 0
Couldn't connect reference
#236 opened by Alagaesia93 - 5
- 1
center watermark
#228 opened by magnum - 8
- 4
- 0
Web optimized PDFs improperly parsed
#225 opened by ndvo - 1
- 0
Combine many files at the same time and memory usage
#224 opened by cesarjr - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Element missing error when rendering
#218 opened by marcosdemelo - 0
Broken when parsing PDF with empty object
#217 opened by sh-miyoshi - 0
Fuzzer + various crashes
#212 opened by bcoles - 0
How to use Arial black font in pdf?
#210 opened by usama520 - 1
How to combine PDFs that have optional content?
#199 opened by amorimlucas - 0
Seeking maintainers?
#208 opened by garritfra - 7
Links drop when combining PDFs
#200 opened by raphael-allard - 1
- 1
- 1
Line break is not working
#204 opened by cmdr-rohit-bang - 3
Security question about merging PDF's
#201 opened by JensDebergh - 2
LIbreOffice / Scribus & embedding fonts
#203 opened by MarcWeber - 0
How to PDF Encrypted Property Change ??
#202 opened by mayurpathak - 1
Most RGB colors don't work
#198 opened by chumakoff - 0
pdf optional content
#197 opened by brianhenryhf - 4
How to avoid garbled characters pdf title when I see the pdf in chrome browser?
#192 opened by iToshk - 2
Special symbols in metadata
#188 opened by d-kononov - 1
CombinePDF::ParsingError Exception: Unknown PDF parsing error - malformed PDF file? error
#189 opened by adnanmirza1 - 2
metrics for x/y coordinates
#187 opened by RailsCod3rFuture - 0
- 2
Cannot merge pages properly with 1.0.21
#185 opened by JunichiIto - 3
CombinePDF::ParsingError (Unknown PDF parsing error - malformed PDF file?)
#184 opened by hazelsparrow - 2
Dynamic XFA flatten?
#182 opened by leviwilson - 1
get PDF original metadata
#181 opened by MathieuDerelle - 6
Russian language font
#179 opened by 5anchezzz - 9
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
Error in new release 1.0.17
#171 opened by chuchiperriman - 8
PDF blank when parse
#166 opened by btrd - 2
merged_metrics boundingbox is nil
#167 opened by shrikanth-bluesapling