
1.2.7 on pip does not match master branch and it's broken

mmabreu opened this issue · 2 comments

Release 1.2.7 includes the open PR #54

It's also broken here (tested on python 2.7):

  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/json_logging/", line 402, in <module>
    import json_logging.framework.plainhttpserver as http_support
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/json_logging/framework/plainhttpserver/", line 21
    def config(self, app: HTTPServer, exclude_url_patterns=[]):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

oops! let me fix it

fixed, thanks for reporting that. 1,2,7 is yanked and replaced by 1.2.8