
[RFC] No more 404, 301 to new URLs

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Redirecting old URLs to new ones is a feature often demanded by SEO experts to avoid 404. It would be a nice addition to this extension.
This feature could be part of Bolt's core but I guess it'll also have to account for shortlink once it's implemented (#20). Hence I'm opening this issue here rather than on Bolt's repository.


The problem is "expert" does not equal someone telling you what you need to know, or who knows what they are talking about. Yes, 404s will wear a penalty, but the responsibility of how to manage that should never ever ever be a machine's decision. Like, you know, evaaaar 😄

IMO this has no place in an SEO extension, as it violates a tonne of design principles for a start, and well-understood principles for site architecture secondly.

This sounds more like a job for Bolt Redirector IMHO.