
Primary LanguageJavaScript


JSLogProg is an implementation of Prolog-like logic programming in Javascript (JS). It implements Var, Clause, Rule and Query objects for the equivalent Prolog items and implements Prolog unification and goal resolution.



Builtin Operations

Native Rules


JSLogProg Concepts

You can define and run a Prolog-like program in JSLogProg.

  • A JSLogProg Var is equivalent to a Prolog variable. A JSLogProg atom can be a JS number, string, function, array or object. Arrays and objects can contain Vars as elements and properties, respectively, and may be nested.
  • Unification is defined for Var and JS number, string, function, array and object.
  • A JSLogProg program is created using rule and clause functions.
  • A program is run by defining a query and providing it, along with an array of rules to a solve function, which returns on or more solutions. A solution is a binding of a query Var to an atom (JS number, string, function, array or object).

Here is an example JSLogProg program:

import {rule, clause, solve} from './jslogprog.mjs';

function g(){console.log('g');};
function h(){console.log('h');};

const rules = [
	rule(clause('type1', g)),
	rule(clause('type2', g)),
	rule(clause('type2', h)),
	rule(clause('type3', [1,2,3])),
	rule(clause('type4', {key: 'value'})),
	rule(clause('type5', 'abc'))

const query = clause('type2', 'X');

for (const solution of solve(query, rules)){
	console.log(`solution: ${solution.toAnswerString()}`);
console.log ('No more solutions');

// solution: '{ X: Function g }'
// solution: '{ X: Function h }'
// No more solutions

JSLogProg can be used without rules, clauses and queries. For example:

import {vars} from './jslogprog.mjs';

let [W, X, Y, Z] = vars('W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'); // define Variables W, X, Y and Z
	let o = [1,{a:W, b:15},3];
	o.unify([1, {a:10, b:15}, 3}])
	console.log(o.rewrite().toAnswerString()); // rewrite all Variables in o, i.e. 10 as W, and format for display
	Z.unify(X); // Circular Variable reference
	Z.unify(5); // X=Y=Z=5
	X.unify(function f(){}); // Throws "unification failed" error
} catch(e) {
	e === "unification failed"

JSLogProg unification is straightforward:

  • A Variable unifies with Variable, number, string, function, array, object
  • A number unifies with the same number
  • A string unifies with the same string or a function where function.name === string
  • A function unifies with the same function
  • An array unifies with an array of the same length and where the array elements unify
  • An object unifies with an object with the same keys and where the object properties unify


git clone git@github.com:boblund/jslogprog.git

cd jslogprog

JSLogProg can be used in Node JS or a web site.

Node JS

[TRACE=true] node jslogprog.mjs

Setting TRACE=true will output the state stack (current list of goals and bindings) and rule/goal unification as the rules are searched for query solutions.

Web Site

jslogprog.mjs is a module which can be imported in a web page. For example:

	<script type="module">
		import {vars, clause, rule, solve} from './jslogprog.mjs';

The file doing the import must be served by an https web site. localAwsApiGw is one option for setting up a such a server.

The web page jslogprog.html in this repo uses jslogprog.mjs to provide a playground for experimenting with JSLogProg. Load the jslogprog-browser-example and click run to see it in action.

Builtin Operations

JSLogProg has a limited set of builtin Prolog operations: '=' and '!='. These are implemented as native rules.

isEqual(X, Y)

notEqual(X, Y)

Native Rules

A rule can be defined that calls a JS function. This is useful for implementing builtin Prolog predicates, '=' for example:

  function isEqual([arg1, arg2]) {
    return arg1.unify(arg2);
  'X', 'Y'

This rule is referenced in a goal via the function's name, i.e. clause('isEual', X, 2)). Clause arguments are referenced from an array. The JS function is expected to bind any appropriate variables and return a bindings object. Failure to unify must result in throwing a 'unification failed' error.


The JSLogProg API consists of:

  • clause, rule, and solve for creating and running JSLogProg programs.
  • Var and vars for creating JSLogProg variables.
  • Common JSLogProg methods for JSLogProg terms (Var, number, string, function, array and object) for unification and output.

These are accessed via the jslogprog.mjs exports {vars, clause, rule, solve, Var, Bindings, assert}.

newClause = clause(name, ...arguments)

The clause function returns an instance of Clause with the name and arguments. It is a convenience function that replaces new Clause. Variables in arguments can be instances of Var. Or, they can be denoted by strings that begin with '_' or an uppercase letter, i.e. the Prolog convention for variable names.

newClause (Clause) instance of Clause

name (string) clause name

arguments (Var, number, string, function, array, object) clause arguments

newRule = rule(head, ...body)

The rule function returns an instance of Rule with the head and body. It is a convenience function that replaces new Rule.

newRule (Rule) instance of Rule

head (Clause) rule head

body (Clause) rule body (one or more clauses)

[X | [W, Y, Z]] = vars(...arguments)

The vars function returns new variable instances whose names are arguments. A single new variable instance is returned if arguments is a single name. Otherwise an array of new variable instances is returned. It is a convenience function that replaces new Var.

solution = solve(query, rules)

solve is a generator that yields the next solution (object) for query on every call. solution keys are query Vars and properties are Var bindings, e.g. {X: 'abc', Y: 2}. It returns when no more solutions are found. The general structure of its use is:

for(const solution of solve(query, rules)) {
	// do something with the solution
// no more solutions

query (clause | [clause1, ...]) query clause(s).

rules (Array) Array of Rules


The Var class defines the behavior for JSLogProg variable.


let newVar = new Var(name) where name is a string.


name Var instance name.

binding Undefined if the Var instance is unbound or else it is a type of string or number or instance of Var, Function, Array or Object.


binding = newVar.unify(term) Unifies this variable with term which must be a type of string or number or instance of Var, Function, Array or Object. If unify succeeds binding is an object with a key === newVar.name whose property is term. Otherwise a 'unification failed' error is thrown.

val = newVar.rewrite() returns the newVar binding if it exists otherwise newVar.name. If newVar is bound to an instance of Var then newVar.binding.rewrite() is returned. This is applied recursively until a bound variable is found. A side effect is that all traversed variables will have a binding property equal to val. If the chain of variable bindings is circular the val is newVar.name.

val = newVar.toAnswerString() returns newVar.binding if newVar is bound otherwise newVar.name.


The Bindings class defines the behavior for JSLogProg variable bindings.


let bindings = new Bindings(binds) where bindings is either an instance of Bindings or an object of variable bindings, e.g {X:'a', Y:2}.


currentBindings an object of variable bindings, e.g {X:'a', Y:2}.


bindings.add(moreBindings) Adds moreBindings, an object of variable bindings, e.g {X:'a', Y:2}, to this object's currentBindings property. Properties of duplicate keys in moreBindings overwrite those in currentBindings.


assert is called as part of unification. condition is a boolean that if false ends this, and all subsequent, unification by throwing a 'unification failed' error.

String, Number, Function

String, Number and Function prototypes are extended with unify, rewrite and toAnswerString methods to integrate these types with JSLogProg.

let binding = <instance of [String|Number|Function]>.unify(term) Unifies with an unbound variable or with the same instance otherwise throws a 'unification failed' error.

let val = <instance of [String|Number|Function]>.rewrite() returns the string, number or function name, respectively.

let val = <instance of [String|Number|Function]>.toAnswerSAtring() returns the string, number or function name, respectively.


The Array prototype is extended with unify, rewrite and toAnswerString methods to integrate these types with JSLogProg.

let binding = <instance of Array>.unify(term) Unifies if term is an array of the same length and elements of term unify with elements of this array. Otherwise throws a 'unification failed' error.

let val = [<instance of Array>.rewrite() returns a new array where each element in this array is rewrittem.

let val = <instance of Array>.toAnswerSAtring() returns a string representation of this array and its elements, recursively.


The Object prototype is extended with unify, rewrite and toAnswerString methods to integrate these types with JSLogProg.

let binding = <instance of Object>.unify(term) Unifies if term is an object with the same keys, and properties of term unify with the properties of this object. Otherwise throws a 'unification failed' error.

let val = [<instance of Object>.rewrite() returns a new object where each property in this object is rewrittem.

let val = <instance of Object>.toAnswerSAtring() returns a string representation of this object and its properties, recursively.