Renaming Childtracks --> ParentTrackname_ChildTrackname (20180917)
the brutal way, these two (same code, different names) renames selected
tracks : results in foldername_trackname , it renames all selected tracks
this renames selected tracks and renames like above only if the track is not a folder itself
this unmutes the first track and set transport to run
or mutes the first track an set transport to stop
JSFX controlling something with midi
desc:cc volslider //bobobo:2022 jan 25 //this sends a midi volumechange when the slider is changed slider1:0<0,127,1>cc 7 midi vol (0-127) @init ccold; cc; shot=0; @slider cc=slider1; ccold !== cc?( ccold=cc; shot=1;):(shot=0); @block shot==1?( midisend(0, 0xB0,7,slider1));
someone had problems controlling input volume via envelope (an input fx has not too much connections to the REAPERs guts)
i made a controller script to deal with this (I salute the FX Builder of the original script)
you get a volume slider in a trackFX , controlling a slider in InpputFX as well.
i freed the SLAX from SonicAnomaly from functions
and duplicated a dialbutton to 8 of them (value1 to value8)
as there is no real function but it is graphically responding
you can do some parameter-modulation with other effects
it uses the slax_gfx, so it's best to put it into the same folder
as the Original SLAX (reapack is obligate here
and SonicAnomaly's repository
All credits to SonicAnomaly
- [8 Knobs](scripts/8 Knobs.jsfx)
LOSERs saturation js enhanced with a volume slider to calm it (volume stolen from COCKOS volpansmoother
- [Saturation vol](scripts/Saturation vol)
or another one, somehow simpler but more complex
- [--!--sat_with input_output](scripts/--!--sat_with input_output)
or this with atan 😈
- [--!--sat_atan_with input_output](scripts/--!--sat_atan_with input_output)
if you are in urge to fix the trackenvelopes height you can use
[this lua-script](scripts/bobobo_nail the track envelopes heights.lua)
Mousewheel with CTRL on TCP in/decreases all including the trackenvelopes
running the script before nails the track envelope height so to envelope won't change in height while mousewheel+CTRL on TCP
sometimes it can happen that items will overlap or covered
the chatgpt has known a solution as scripts , get them and load them in REAPER
show covered items
show overkapping intems
here you find a little tweak for the Virtual Playing from Paul Battersby (obey licensing)
AKAIMidiMix at your hand and don't know what to do with it?
Look at the AkaiMidiMixDubVersion