
a minetest mod for importing elevation and landcover rasters as world maps

Primary LanguageHTML

realterrain v.0.1.0

A Minetest mod that brings real world Terrain into the game (using freely available DEM tiles). Any image can actually be used which allows for WorldPainter-style map creation using any paint program.


Settings tool (Realterrain Remote) (old version)


Biomes tool:


Trees and shrubs:


Persist structures:


Slope analysis:


Aspect analysis:


3D Euclidean Distance analysis (based on input raster):


Overlay a color image or raster bands for false-color mapping of landsat imagery:



  • this mod works out of the box with no libraries when using color BMP source rasters
  • otherwise you must have imageMagick and MagickWand , GraphicksMagick, or imlib2 (8-bit limit) installed on your system
  • and Mod Security disabled (you can also use Python Image Library if you build lunatic-python)
  • optional dependencies include lunatic-python, python image library, graphicsmagick.
  • optionally you can run GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick in command-line mode, which is slower but uses no libs.


  • install the dependencies and the mod as usual (luarocks can be activated if needed)
  • launch the game with mod enabled, default settings should work
  • use the Realterrain Remote to change the settings, or
  • edit the mod defaults section (better to use the remote)
  • create greyscale images for heightmap and biomes (only heightmap is required) these should be the same length and width. The Biomes layer uses USGS landcover classifications 1-9 and collapses tier two or three to tier one, which means that values from 10-19 are equivalent to 1, 20-29 are equivalent to 2, etc. The biome file is assumed to be 8-bit. pixel values that equate to 1 (or 10-19) will paint as roads, and pixel values that equate to biome 5 (50-59) will paint as water. A color image can be used for elevation and landcover but only the red channel is used. Use the Biome editor in the remote to see the default biome settings and to redefine them. Using a graphics editor that doesn't do anti-aliasing and preserves exact channel values is recommended. When using the native (no libs) image processing, stick with BMP saved as RGB files with windows headers.
  • OR download DEM and USGS landcover/landuse tiles for same the same extent. Note, for true 16-bit DEMs you must use imagemagick or graphicsmagick, not imlib2 or the native processor. Use QGIS or some other GIS tool to crop and save these source files to standard GeoTIFF format.
  • after you change settings exit the world and delete the map.sqlite in the world folder or use the "Delete" button in the remote (this might crash the game, just restart)
  • relaunch the map and let it regenerate. To persist sections of the map or structures you have built, set pos1 and pos2 using the remote to points which enclose the structure, then hit save. When you delete map.sqlite these structures will be re-imported (assuming you haven't changed the image you used for elevation or the scales and offsets!).
  • note windows users wishing to use lua-magick may have to edit line 162 (or so) of magick/init.lua from "MagickWand" to "C:/Program Files/ImageMagick-6.9.2-Q16/CORE_RL_wand_" or whatever the version and location of your MagickWand install might be.
  • demonstation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66pehrH6Bh0


  • if game crashes after upgrade delete the realterrain.settings file in the world folder, or just create a new world



  • allow the persistence of structures, ie: saving of schems located to the map
  • switched the ores system to use the default ores


  • got graphicsmagick library working and bit depth detection in other modes
  • added support for graphicsmagick and imagemagick commandline interface (no libs required)
  • fixed bugs with alignment of pixels to map and scaling / offsets
  • form only shows options relevant to the current selected mode
  • form validation for all numeric inputs
  • "teleport to surface" button
  • "set time to morning" button
  • set the search limit and value range, as well as 2D/3D distance in distance mode
  • performance improvements including obtaining pixel ranges where possible


  • expanded biome editor
  • overlay color image onto map
  • overlay color bands individually (landsat false-color)
  • some code refactoring and performance improvements
  • easter eggs mandelbrot and polynomial explorers


  • performance improvements to distance analysis mode, new default (demo) raster for distance mode ("points.tif")
  • refactoring of some code: performance improvements where empty mapchunks are not processed
  • compare two dems
  • compare two biome files (or any other raster)
  • customize raster output symbology
  • bug fixes


  • biome cover uses absolute values AND ranges which equate exactly to USGS tier system (makes hand painting easier too)
  • small bugfixes and windows compatability
  • early stages of integrating python calls for GDAL and GRASS using lunatic-python (commented out - must be built per install)
  • added some more raster modes, raster symbology nicer and fills in below steep areas
  • experimental code for using imagemagick / graphicsmagick command line interface to reduce dependencies (commented out)
  • some improvements to form validation, in-game raster selection doesn't require a restart


  • improved raster modes symbology and added "aspect"
  • made the biome form fully clickable (image buttons and dropdowns)
  • added a static water node
  • removed dependency on luarocks
  • biome cover image pixel values are used directly, not in brightness ranges (8-bit assumed)


  • select layer files in game from a dropdown
  • vertical, east, and north offsets
  • in-game biome settings
  • trees and shrubs in biomes


  • switched to luarocks "magick" library
  • included a biome painting layer, broke the "cover" layer into roads and water layers
  • added the files used to the settings tool
  • added strata for under the ground
  • in game map reset, kicks all players on reset, deletes map.sqlite file


  • switched to lua-imlib2 for support of all filetypes and bit depths
  • supports downloaded GeoTIFF DEM tiles
  • improved landcover
  • added a tool, Realterrain Remote, which allows for:
  • in game settings for initial tweaking (still requires deleting map.sqlite in world folder for full refresh of map)
  • changed orientation of map to top left corner
  • code cleanup, smaller supplied image files, screenshot and description for mod screen


  • direct file reading of 8 bit tifs