
Can you release another version please?

sypets opened this issue · 3 comments

Latest release is 4.0.0 (from May, 2022):.

Since then, several changes (and bugfixes) were merged.

albig commented

Thank you for your reminder and your contribution. I will release soon a new release. As this is one of my spare time projects, I cannot guarantee a fix date. But I'm very close.

The current code in master branch is not fully working with PHP 8.1. But there is a branch, which fixes most of this. So please be patient :-)

albig commented

@sypets and all: Please have a short look at the current master. I merged my changes of the last weeks, cleaned up the code a bit with typo3-rector and fixed some hidden and broken features.

Depending on your feedback, I would make a tiny update to the documentation and a release in the next 1-2 days.

albig commented

Done with release 4.1.0