
Git Completion No Longer Working After Migration Between Computers

ajubbal opened this issue · 3 comments

Everything is intact as I used the migration assistant, unless there is a requirement for Xcode command line tools or something of that nature? I installed this through Homebrew and it was working fine on my initial computer (running Mac OS 10.9.5) but ceases to work with my new machine (same OS version). Some help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey @ajubbal, sorry about the delay. I totally missed the notification for this issue. Did you get this resolved? If not, I'm happy to help.

I did not unfortunately, if you could be so kind as to lend a helping hand that would be fantastic. As I mentioned in my previous comment I used migration assistant to transfer data to another machine and git autocompletion stopped working. I tried reinstalling from your README to no avail.

Are you getting some error back if you try to source the bash/zsh script?
Are you encountering an issue with any of the other homebrew packages?

If so, you might have an issue with brew packages linking? Check out this stackexchange thread:

You might also be able to simply remove git and bash-completion packages and follow the installation process again.