
Unable to produce the repository results based upon v-iou tracker for visdrone dataset

hlmhlr opened this issue · 0 comments

I am unable to produce the results for visdrone-mot-val dataset based upon v-iou as reported in the repository. Procedures , I am following, are:

  1. Run the "./" command and it produces separate csv(equivalent to number of input sequences) files based upon v-iou tracker. I dont know where to give these cvs files as input for the producing the mentioned results. Can any one guide please? Visdrone toolkit has no option to give these files as input. DETRAC toolkit is not available to download.

  2. Also, I downloaded the Visdrone-mot-toolkit for the evaluation. I placed the v-iou tracker files in the ./tracker folder of the toolkit. I run the "run_tracker.m" file from the matlab to produce the results but following error is produced every time. Can anyone able to resolve this issue in producing the repository results for visdrone dataset. I shall be thankful.
    Kind Regards,

tracking the sequence 1/6...

error while calling the python tracking module:

Error using viou_tracker>track_viou_matlab_wrapper (line 220)
Python Error: ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 138720 into shape (7,newaxis)

Error in runTrackerAllClass (line 32)
[resClass, runTime] = run_tracker(sequence, curdetections);

Error in evalMOT (line 29)
runTrackerAllClass(isSeqDisplay, isNMS, detPath, resPath, seqPath, evalClassSet, threSet, nmsThre, trackerName);
Error using runTrackerAllClass (line 44)
error in running the tracker!

Error in evalMOT (line 29)
runTrackerAllClass(isSeqDisplay, isNMS, detPath, resPath, seqPath, evalClassSet, threSet, nmsThre,