when detecting repo, use it in the travis badges
gr2m opened this issue · 1 comments
gr2m commented
$ ./node_modules/.bin/setup
[?] Please enter a GitHub token that has push access to this repo: *****************************************
[?] Please enter your npm email. gregor@martynus.net
[?] Please enter your npm token. ********************
Created empty `CHANGELOG.md`.
Copied default `.travis.yml`.
Added deploy hooks to `.travis.yml`.
Npm deploy config added to `.travis.yml`.
About to do execute lots of `travis` commands.
Which usually takes a while.
synchronizing: ............ done
detected repository as gr2m/release-test
Done with the `travis` stuff.
Now add this to your README.md if not done already and everything should be up and running
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/hoodiehq/{REPONAME}.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/hoodiehq/{REPONAME})
[![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/hoodiehq/{REPONAME}.svg)](https://david-dm.org/hoodiehq/{REPONAME})
[![devDependency Status](https://david-dm.org/hoodiehq/{REPONAME}/dev-status.svg)](https://david-dm.org/hoodiehq/{REPONAME}#info=devDependencies)
You have to replace all occurances of {REPONAME}, obiously.
git add package.json README.md CHANGELOG.md Gruntfile.js .travis.yml
git commit -m 'chore(grunt): setup grunt-release-hoodie'
git push origin master
First you identify correctly the repo in detected repository as gr2m/release-test
, why not using that to replace the {REPONAME}
boennemann commented
The identification and log comes from the travis enable
command. While doing #8 we can fix this.
This bothers me as well ;)