
Update Breaks Fonts

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Just now I updated all my packages using yaourt -Syu, but now the font in my terminal is set to some medieval-looking monstrocity. See the attached screenshot for an example.
2016-04-25-17 57 20

I run Arch with the i3 window manager and termite as my terminal. If I set sudo fc-presets set to free, then the font is at least set to one that is readable (but still not my intended font). Any ideas on what may have changed to incur this change? Feel free to ask for additional information.

Thanks in advance,

I have solved my issue by manually setting the font configuration for Termite in ~/.config/termite/config

font = Source Code Pro 10

If you want more details on the issue, I can provide more information, if not, feel free to close this.