an asset gem containing Adam Shaw's excellent fullcalendar jquery plugin
- 3
- 1
I18n not working
#101 opened by Dherlou - 0
- 1
- 12
I cant make to show the fullCalendar
#90 opened by Oredna - 3
Don't include fullcalendar.print in CSS manifest
#11 opened by rzane - 4
Change language of calendar
#87 opened by elmoaaron - 8
FullCanlendar don't working for Rails 4
#64 opened by OceanDemy - 2
Fullcalendar JS initialization
#71 opened by sgelliott - 5
- 3
Different calendars for different events places
#83 opened by knzudgt - 13
Are locales included?
#81 opened by SergiiVdovareize - 1
Localization [Feature Request]
#80 opened by guillosaracco - 3
fullCalendar + Turblolinks
#78 opened by zedtux - 2
Update the JS library
#77 opened by zedtux - 2
Documentation for styling
#72 opened by sgelliott - 4
- 9
Fullcalendar doesnt allow including application.js and application.css.scss tags in application.html.erb rails
#41 opened by boyfunky - 4
Upgrade to use the latest version
#69 opened by brendon - 1
Refreshing page comes to present date
#66 opened by vuppalasrinivas - 1
Breaks the pagination links of Kaminari
#65 opened by alanpaivaa - 3
- 2
Need update to 2.8.0
#62 opened by thestumonkey - 2
- 4
Does this gem work well with Rails 4x?
#56 opened by wenwei63029869 - 1
How to add the fullcalendar/lang/es.js
#52 opened by Frank004 - 1
Can't find how to make allDaySlot selectable
#51 opened by davidgeismar - 3
Upgrade Fullcallendar to 2.4.0
#48 opened by maxime-lenne - 1
Safari under OS X does not shows events
#47 opened by iChicory - 0
Events do not display at Safari
#46 opened by iChicory - 1
Testing helpers
#44 opened by davidwessman - 0 is down
#45 opened by hiphapis - 3
Upgrade Fullcallendar to 2.3.0
#42 opened by janko - 10
Version 2.2.5 error
#38 opened by davidreghay - 7
Undefined errors since update
#33 opened - 3
Rails version
#35 opened by ehannes - 7
Dragging the event does not update the db
#30 opened by marcomd - 9 seems to have broken file includes
#31 opened by samrayner - 4
Include top level directory
#24 opened by iciuperca - 1
Create TravisCI job for integration and updates
#28 opened by bliaxiong - 2
Tag version '2.0.1'
#21 opened by luisalima - 1
Upgrade to 2.10
#25 opened by kevinmccaughey - 2
Push updates to rubygems?
#22 opened by aepstein - 2
FullCalendar 2
#17 opened by ebougerolle - 1
- 1
Upgrade to 1.6.2
#12 opened by MattiSG - 1
Missing some information on how to properly integrate the assets with a Rails application
#9 opened by ItalianChef - 1
Sqlite vs Postgres
#6 opened by burtondav - 1
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