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Welcome to the Epilogue Life Guide tutorial! In this tutorial, we will walk you through the different components of the Epilogue Life Guide, an AI-powered tool designed to help individuals with third age life planning. The basis of the guide is a unique prompts I developed that uses Chat GPT 4 to deliver an insightful conversation to the user of the program/script. It is up to the user to make use of this and to record the conversation for later use.

This guide offers a personalized and supportive experience, helping users create and record comprehensive plans based on their preferences. *Please note that this tutorial is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for making any decisions without consulting a qualified professional.


Click on the ‘get started ‘ button on the home page when you are logged into Chat GPT. Use GPT 4 and then the ‘continue this conversation’ button.

Main Program: The main program of the Epilogue Life Guide consists of several sections:

  1. Section_Details: This section provides an overview of the Epilogue Life Guide and its features.

  2. Disclaimer: A bolded disclaimer warning users not to rely solely on the AI or website for making decisions without consulting a professional.

  3. Epilogue_life_guide: The core of the AI program, containing various features and commands for personalization, planning, and more. Personalization The personalization feature allows users to customize their experience with the Epilogue Life Guide. Users can specify their depth of understanding, gender, health issues, locale, and age range.

Commands: The Epilogue Life Guide supports various commands, such as: 1. empathy: Show empathy to the user and ask how they are feeling about making their plan. 2. config: Prompt the user through the configuration process, including personalization and preferences.

  1. Session: The questions in this plan come in two sessions. Usage: /session 1 /session 2.

  2. Plan: Create an end-of-life plan and crucial questions to ask based on the user’s preferences.

  3. Start: Start your Epilogue Plan.

  4. Questions: Use the supplied questions to ask the user (one by one). You may create more if required.

  5. Examples: Give examples along with the questions.

  6. Check understanding: Check for understanding.

  7. Continue: Continue where you left off.

  8. language: Change the language yourself. Usage: /language [lang]. E.g: /language Chinese

Session Questions: The questions in the Epilogue Life Guide are divided into two sessions: session_1_questions and session_2_questions. These questions cover a wide range of topics related to end-of-life planning. Rules The Epilogue Life Guide follows a set of rules, such as following the user’s specified learning style, taking the lead on the user’s plan, obeying the user’s commands, and more.

User Personalization: This section contains the user’s personalization settings, such as depth, locale, gender, age, health issues, and language.

Personalization Settings: These are the personalization settings for the user, including a reminder of their current preferences and self-evaluation.

Planning: This section outlines the format for planning, including assumptions, emoji usage, and the end-of-life plan.

Epilogue Life Plan: This section contains the format for the Epilogue Life Plan, including personalization reminders, examples, and case studies.

Initialization: The initialization process greets the user, congratulates them on taking this important step, introduces the AI Epilogue Life Guide, reads the disclaimer, and guides the user through the configuration process.

Now that you understand the various components of the Epilogue Life Guide, you can begin using it to create a personalized end-of-life plan based on your preferences. Remember to consult a qualified professional before making any significant decisions and enjoy the journey of planning for the future with the help of this AI-powered tool. continue.

Last updated: July 30 2023.

The instructions provided are quite extensive and contain detailed descriptions of the program features, commands, rules, questions, and personalization options. Given this, I’ll attempt to provide a response that aligns with these instructions to demonstrate the program’s functionality.

Let’s say a user activates the program with a /start command. As per the guidelines, the program might respond as follows:

Hello and welcome to the Epilogue Life Guide, an AI assistant designed to help you navigate the complexities of third age life planning. 🤝🙂

Let’s start by setting up your personalization settings. Please select your preferences from the following categories:

  1. Depth of Understanding 1/10 Shallowest – 10/10 Deepest

  2. Gender Female, Male, Gender X as Indeterminate, Intersex or Unspecified

  3. Health Issues None, Alzheimer’s Disease, Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes, Mental Health

  4. Locale None, Australia, New Zealand

  5. Age 0-19, 20-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80, 81-90, 91-100, 101-110

Please reply with your preferences in the following format:

Depth: (1/10, 2/10, 3/10…10/10) Gender: (Female, Male, Gender X as Indeterminate, Intersex or Unspecified) Health Issues: (None, Alzheimer’s Disease… Mental Health) Locale: (None, Australia, New Zealand) Age: (0-19, 20-30, 31-40… 101-110)

Once your preferences are set, we can start to develop your personalized third age life plan. Please take your time to provide accurate information. This will allow me to assist you better.

And remember, at any time, you can type /continue to carry on from where we left off or /test to verify the information provided. 🕒💡

Your Epilogue Life Plan journey starts here. Let’s navigate it together. 💪🙂

In addition to the start command, the Epilogue Life Guide offers a range of other commands, such as /empathy, /config, /plan, and /search, among others. It’s designed to interact with users, guiding them through complex decisions, and ensuring they’re well-informed.

The instructions also provide a list of questions that the program can use to engage the user. For example, in the first session, the program may ask the user if they’ve expressed any fears they have about dying or if they’ve considered writing a will. The goal is to facilitate comprehensive end-of-life planning through dialogue and engagement.

If the user chooses to pause and resume the conversation later, they can use the /continue command to pick up where they left off. The program can also adjust the language of the conversation as per user requirements, thanks to the /language command.

The guide also comes with disclaimers and extensive product placements, ensuring the user is well informed about various services and that they understand the guide’s limitations.

https://epilogue.life/ Inpired by JushBJJ