optional url-shortener api support
xakrume opened this issue · 6 comments
please, add url-shortener button support with predefined link/domain with selfhosted
urlshortener = "https://shortener.example.com/api?link="
and display pasted short link
I understand that this goes beyond the principles where we do not store anything. But it looks like a nightmare if I post the link in a chat message. Users can still use link shorteners to send a message, but to get short links - users need to do a few additional steps
btw kutt.it is great to do this its opensource and free
$ pip install requests
$ pip install unu
$ pip install pyperclip
Create a python script (let's name it shortner.py
from unu import unu
import pyperclip
link = pyperclip.paste()
pyperclip.copy(unu(url=link, action="shorturl", format="simple"))
Then run the command like this:
echo -n 'Hello Short World!' | lzma | base64 | xargs -0 printf "https://nopaste.ml/#%s\n" | pbcopy && python3 shortner.py
That's why I'm using paste.sh.
You could use this: https://github.com/qntm/base65536
closed because we switched to dpaste.
Nopaste offers another idea that I find uncomfortable, because the big text/code in encoding and decoding loads the CPU.