
"allowpaging" not supported on setcontent in Bolt 5

michaelborn opened this issue · 2 comments

It looks like this allowpaging option on the setcontent twig method was never implemented in Bolt 5. See PR: bolt/core#303

Screenshot from 2022-05-29 21-11-05

  1. Is there any plan to implement this? Is it necessary any more?
  2. This needs to be a documented incompat from Bolt 3 to Bolt 5.

I don't think its needed anymore, I always receive a Pagerfanta-Object.
I'd need a disallowpaging now.

I don't disagree, but I couldn't find anything about this in commits or issues on this repo... and certainly not in the docs. 😄

We probably just need a note in the Bolt 5 migration guide, but I'm not going to add that unless I know it's definitely not supported.