
Followed install instructions to no avail (twig errors on step5)

Adreqi opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, Following the instruction on the install page (here :, here is what I have :

Step 1, make sure composer is installed (it is, version 2.4.4)
Step 2, composer create-project bolt/project myprojectname seems to work
Step 3, sqlite is fine, default is kept as is
Step 4, bolt:setup including admin creation and fixtures, no error

Step 5, php tells me server:start needs pcntl, which apparently doesn't exist on windows, so I use server:run as instructed, seems to work:
PHP 7.4.4 Development Server ( started

Trying to open front page at gets the following symfony error :
Unable to find one of the following templates: "index.twig", "index.html.twig".

Trying to open admin at gets the following symfony error :
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Could not find the entrypoints file from Webpack: the file "C:\wamp64\www\bolt5/public/assets/entrypoints.json" does not exist.").

I also tried step 5 with a virtualhost on my wampserver (http://bolt5.local) with the same result.

Did I miss something ?

Same thing here, had to run bin/console assets:install because the default theme didn't install assets