
how to lesson webhooks & how get of webhooks return on my website console

saurabh21shukla opened this issue · 5 comments


I want to maintain log of webhooks on my website database. So please tell me how to lesson webhooks on my website. Or how to maintain webhooks log in my website.

Thanks & Regards
Saurabh Shukla


I am waiting your reply for long time. can you please tell me how to receive webhooks on my website. I have tried approx all possible methods. So please reply ASAP.

Thanks & Regards
Saurabh Shukla

Hello Saurabh Shukla,
You can configure your webhook settings in the Webhooks page, under Integrations.
To set up webhooks, add the URL endpoint where you want to receive hooks and click "Add New Webhook". From there, your server will start receiving hooks with a POST payload.

You can learn more on our Webhooks support page

First of all thank you for giving response.
I have tried the method as you say but receive blank response in post in "Send Test webhook" button and when sending the video or clicking the video can't receive any response. So is there any other method to receive the response and also any method to add hooks via my website because multiple user are login with different bomb-bomb accounts.

Saurabh Shukla

Saurabh, what is the endpoint URL you've registered? How does it listen and report hits? Is that URL accessible from the internet, or is it behind a firewall/router? Webhooks are right tool for the job here, we just need to get your listener to hear notifications. As for multiple users, you're likely going to want to register a different webhook in each user's BombBomb account.
Ehippy@ I have registered above URl in my bomb-bomb account. We are Integrating bomb-bomb in Php. We are reading and storing the post request in database log. Is it possible to use AddWebHook function to add hook for different user.

When I check the network call of "Send Test Hook" It show null data in info in json response
