
Go to Next/Previous Page, open Pages drawer

barts opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, is it possible to script shortcuts for going to the next page / previous page and opening the drawer of pages?

I could have sworn earlier versions of Sketch had shortcuts for these but I haven't been able to find anything about that. Navigating between pages is my main point of frustration with Sketch right now.

AFAIK, you can navigate between pages by using Ctrl + ↑ and Ctrl + ↓ (that's what I use on my laptop) and/or the PgUp / PgDn keys on a regular keyboard (don't have one to try, sorry : )

@bomberstudios Ah, these are global Mission Control shortcuts in Mavericks (System Prefs -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Mission Control). Disabling them got it to work in Sketch.

Why don't these commands show up anywhere in the program's menus and they aren't documented on their site? Seems like a basic thing people would need, especially when there's no way to make the pages bar always stay visible. Are there any other handy, undocumented shortcuts?

hey @barts I didn't know these shortcuts neither, and ended up creating a dummy plugin to navigate through the pages using shortcuts. it may be useful! :)

FYI, fn + ↑ / fn + ↓ are the same as PgUp / PgDn keys.

I'm closing this issue, as it is mostly solved : )