Provide a ready-to-flash-bin in the release section
pidiet opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Hello @boneskull ,
is it possible that you publish a binary ready to flash with directly to the wemos?
Would be really glad for this!
Why is this needed?
I like the idea too.
It's just a little easier and you don't have the hassle using atom/platformio etc. This tools have quite a lot dependencies (I think over 100MB in total) and if you don't have them already and you are living on the countryside it can take a couple of hours or even days (there is still a lot's of people with 56kbit/s or an unreliable downlink!) to get this up and running.
If there would be a tiny (500kb) binary file it's even possible for far remote areas to get this in a reasonable time and be able to use this nice piece of software.
And as there is no hard coded credentials in the code it should be no problem to provide a binary.
Just my two cents.
@boneskull just because it's less work =)
But the small or limited bandwidth is also a valid point @rradar
This is done. See release v0.2.0
Great! Thank's a lot!
Yea, very nice!