
Bug: Arrows does not work with Elixir 1.17 / OTP 27

Closed this issue · 2 comments

with latest versions:

this code:

use Arrows

        |> Phx.Live.Favicon.set_dynamic(socket, "svg", ...)

results in

     error: undefined function .../0 (expected Iconify to define such a function or for it to be imported, but none are available)
 909 │         |> Phx.Live.Favicon.set_dynamic(socket, "svg", ...)
     │                                                        ^^^
     └─ (iconify_ex 0.4.4) lib/iconify.ex:909:56: Iconify.maybe_set_favicon_emoji/2

Possibly related to this in Elixir 1.17 changelog: [Kernel] Resolve inconsistencies of how .. and ... are handled at the AST level

Fixed in arrows 0.2