
Seg Fault when running reindex-inotify

Opened this issue · 13 comments

Hi bonidier,

I'm trying to get the watch service started, as per your instructions. However, I run into a seg fault when trying to start the reindex service. I have successfully run ./ start all prior to this. As such, I am unable to wait for

Setting up watches
Watches established <===============

because the service crashes before it gets there.

Any ideas? The commands I used to run are as below.

Thanks in advance.

BESPIN> sudo /opt/etc/init.d/S99synodlna-reindex-inotify start
bad or empty PID
PID exists [pid:5528]
BESPIN> sudo /opt/etc/init.d/S99synodlna-reindex-inotify status
bad or empty PID
status: not started
BESPIN> sudo /opt/etc/init.d/S99synodlna-reindex-inotify log
set share '/music' to be watched by inotify
set share '/photo' to be watched by inotify
set share '/video' to be watched by inotify
launching inotifywait...:
Hum OK, let's catch your activity...
!! you should wait the inotifywait's line 'Watches established'
/volume1/admin/scripts/synodlna-index/lib/synodlna/ line 2: /tmp/synodlna-reindex-inotify.fifo: Interrupted system call
/volume1/admin/scripts/synodlna-index/ line 56:  5666 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) $IT_BIN/inotifywait -rm ${IT_ONLY_EVENTS} ${IT_WATCHDIR} --exclude=${IT_EXCLUDE} --format "%w|%e|%f" -o ${IT_FIFO}

Hi Azyner,

Thank you for testing and your feedback

It seems your user can't start the service, because no PID returned
I think it's a permission problem

BESPIN> sudo /opt/etc/init.d/S99synodlna-reindex-inotify status
bad or empty PID
status: not started

Can you ensure your current user is into sudoers like described into README file ( )

Hi Bonidier,

A PID is returned, as evident in

BESPIN> sudo /opt/etc/init.d/S99synodlna-reindex-inotify start
bad or empty PID
PID exists [pid:5528]

It just seg faults (and therefore has stopped) by the time I run the command status with an account that has sudo privilege. The same is true if I run the commands under root. So I'm not sure its a permissions thing.

I'm running this under DSM 5.1. I'm not sure if that makes a difference.

Hi Azyner,

In fact the "PID exists + started" is a false positive, because my init script does not sleep some seconds before testing PID, I'll fix it

the true result your second "status" test
so the script stops because of inotifywait segfault

does your inotifywait work outside of my script ?

$ /usr/local/inotify-tools/bin/inotifywait
No files specified to watch

$ /usr/local/inotify-tools/bin/inotifywait -h | head -n1
inotifywait 3.14

here is a good output for the log

set share '/video' to be watched by inotify
launching inotifywait...:
Hum OK, let's catch your activity...
!! you should wait the inotifywait's line 'Watches established'
Setting up watches.  Beware: since -r was given, this may take a while!
Watches established.

DSM 5.1 isn't supported on my NAS,
but we'll find a solution

Yep, inotify returns the output as expected

> /usr/local/inotify-tools/bin/inotifywait
No files specified to watch!
> /usr/local/inotify-tools/bin/inotifywait -h | head -n1
inotifywait 3.14

Are there other dependencies I should test for?

Hi Azyner,

There is a known issue about inotify-tools compilation on some Synology NAS,
You should exchange your hardware informations and tests results with @rvoicilas, see inotify-tools/inotify-tools#34

Try inotify-tools's tests :

cd support/inotify-tools/inotify-tools-3.14
make check

Here is a part of my output
(1 test failed, but no segfault when launching inotifywait on my NAS)

If you want to do a malloc trace, set MALLOC_TRACE to a path for logging.
event_to_str: test begin
event_to_str: test end
event_to_str_sep: test begin
event_to_str_sep: test end
str_to_event: test begin
str_to_event: test end
str_to_event_sep: test begin
str_to_event_sep: test end
basic_watch_info: test begin
basic_watch_info: test end
watch_limit: test begin
watch_limit: Warning, this test may take a while
test.c:258 Test 'watch_limit' failed: Verification failed (-1 != fd)
tst_inotifytools_snprintf: test begin
tst_inotifytools_snprintf: test end
Out of 73502 tests, 73501 succeeded and 1 failed.
FAIL: test
1 of 1 test failed

Hi Azyner, I've just pushed some fix,

get latest master commit and :

refresh service

make service

remove inotify-tools

rm -rf /usr/local/inotify-tools
make inotify-tools

=> Now inotify-tools should refuse installation if tests failed, except "watch_limit" test,
all "make check" output is logged

I have the same problem as Azyner:

set share '/music' to be watched by inotify
set share '/photo' to be watched by inotify
set share '/video' to be watched by inotify
launching inotifywait...:
Hum OK, let's catch your activity...
!! you should wait the inotifywait's line 'Watches established'
./lib/synodlna/ line 2: /tmp/synodlna-reindex-inotify.fifo: Interrupted system call
./ line 59: 31353 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) $IT_BIN/inotifywait -rm ${IT_ONLY_EVENTS} ${IT_WATCHDIR} --exclude=${IT_EXCLUDE} --format "%w|%e|%f" -o ${IT_FIFO}

Hi Muena,

thank you to use it !

Did you try get latest master commit ?
the inotify-tools installation with my Makefile should have failed on tests (as I mentionned 8 days ago)?
I think inotify-tools doesn't compile properly on all CPU, may be a bug (see Inotify-tools ticket in my previous post, you should also exchange with Rvoicilas)

Muena, @azyner , If you find an inotify-tools compilation option which works for your hardware, let me aware about it !



Will do. I have the same problem as the issue you linked. (seg fault on a test) I'm looking for a fix now.

Hi Azyner and Muena
i've corrected inotify-tools installer (the install process was executed even if make fail ) and added MALLOC_TRACE file as mentionned in inotify-tools ticket

so remove /usr/local/inotify-tools and re-execute "make inotify-tools"

so for now, inotify-tools should not execute the install on your NAS

So, after updating to 6228fdffbc (28th Nov) I removed /usr/local/inotify-tools as you instructed, and re-installed through make inotify-tools which returned 0 (success).
Then by doing a full reindex by ./ start all and finally sudo /opt/etc/init.d/S99synodlna-reindex-inotify start the following log was output.

set share '/music' to be watched by inotify
set share '/photo' to be watched by inotify
set share '/video' to be watched by inotify
launching inotifywait...:
Hum OK, let's catch your activity...
!! you should wait the inotifywait's line 'Watches established'
/volume1/admin/scripts/synodlna-index/lib/synodlna/ line 2: /tmp/synodlna-reindex-inotify.fifo: Interrupted system call
/volume1/admin/scripts/synodlna-index/ line 59:  6115 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) $IT_BIN/inotifywait -rm ${IT_ONLY_EVENTS} ${IT_WATCHDIR} --exclude=${IT_EXCLUDE} --format "%w|%e|%f" -o ${IT_FIFO}

Its my understanding that make inotify should have failed in some way. Is this correct?
Running make check in inotify-tool-3.14 still results in 1 failed test. The log is identical to the one listed in inotify-tools/inotify-tools#34.

Thanks for your help

Hi Azyner,

I must apply another fix to install script, yet another miss which cause installation on failure..

I'll fix it this evening


Hi Azyner and Muena,

I've just updated inotify-tools installer script, fixed some logic and added a report at the end

So remove (yet another time) /usr/local/inotify-tools and try