
Assert in SRE during Boo compiler run with Mono 6.x

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I am the package maintainer of boo in Fedora.
For a while, there is an issue that the build does not work anymore, with Mono 6.x.
This is the bug in Fedora:

I have reported it upstream: mono/mono#18970 but that did not cause any action (yet).

I can reduce it to these steps:

cd /root/rpmbuild/BUILD/boo-unstable
nant -D:install.prefix=/usr -D:docs.dir=/usr/share/doc -D:install.booexamples=/usr/share/boo/examples
mono build/booc.exe -v -noconfig -debug -out:build/Boo.NAnt.Tasks.dll -target:library -r:NAnt.Core.dll -r:NAnt.DotNetTasks.dll -srcdir:src/Boo.NAnt.Tasks -lib:/usr/lib/NAnt/bin/

Start of the output:

Boo Compiler version ( (tarball Sat Jun 27 04:51:00 UTC 2020))
* Assertion at sre-encode.c:290, condition `count > 0' not met

see attached files for details.

Is there anything that could be done from the side of boo?

it looks quite similar to but is probably different.

Yeah, from the build log, that really does look like a problem in the Mono runtime.