
Enhance 403, 404 and Internal Server Error errors

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Instead of displaying plain 403 Forbidden and 404 Not Found errors that leads to nowhere, ask user to login to Bookie or go back to his bookmarks page.

403 Forbidden

Title: Access denied
Subtitle: 403 Forbidden
Text: You have no permissions to access this page

Link1: Login to Bookie (if user is not logged in)
Link2: Continue to your Bookie (refers to bookmarks page of user, if user is logged in)

404 Not Found

Title: Page was not found
Subtitle: 404 Not Found
Text: You probably entered a malformed URL address, bla, bla, bla....

Link: Go back or Continue to your Bookie

Internal Server Error

Title: Page was not found
Subtitle: 404 Not Found
Text: You probably entered a malformed URL address or an outdated (does not exist anymore) bookie (redirect) bookmark

Link: Go back or Continue to your Bookie