Keep source code information in AST nodes such as lineno, start and end char position.
ypaliy opened this issue · 5 comments
I've noticed that only some of the nodes retain information from the parsing process such as the start and end position of the token, I think its important to have this link between the source code location and AST nodes. It would also be nice to have the line number. Are there any plans to this in the future?
Thank you.
Hey, Thanks :)
I don't think it can work like this. Because it will work only with Node that are parsed from only one token.
Take this example :
tree = ast.parse(textwrap.dedent(r'''
local function sayHello()
print('hello world !')
Which output:
Chunk: {} 5 keys
start_char: 54
stop_char: 56
line: 4
body: {} 5 keys
Block: {} 5 keys
start_char: 54
stop_char: 56
line: 4
body: [] 1 item
0: {} 1 key
LocalFunction: {} 7 keys
start_char: 1
stop_char: 56
line: 4
name: {} 5 keys
Name: {} 5 keys
start_char: 16
stop_char: 23
line: 2
id: 'sayHello'
args: [] 0 item
body: {} 5 keys
Block: {} 5 keys
start_char: 52
stop_char: 56
line: 3
body: [] 1 item
0: {} 1 key
Call: {} 6 keys
start_char: 52
stop_char: 52
line: 3
func: {} 5 keys
Name: {} 5 keys
start_char: 31
stop_char: 35
line: 3
id: 'print'
args: [] 1 item
0: {} 1 key
String: {} 6 keys
start_char: 37
stop_char: 51
line: 3
s: 'hello world !'
delimiter: SINGLE_QUOTE
Single token node like String and Name are ok but node like Block are wrong :/
Hi, I've fixed the problem for nodes that span several tokens, can you please take a look at #16
I'll take some time to look at it soon
Thanks it has been merged.
Note: 'lineno' has been renamed to 'line'
class Node:
"""Base class for AST node."""
comments: Comments
first_token: Optional[Token]
last_token: Optional[Token]
start_char: Optional[int]
stop_char: Optional[int]
line: Optional[int]