Sticker WhatsAppBOT with whatsapp-web.js and nodejs
Clone this repository.
Install dependencies:
npm install pip install "rembg[cli]"
Make sure you also have ffmpeg!
npm start
(Create this yourself!){ "name": "StickerBOT", "author": "stickerbot", "prefix": "!", "groups": true, "rembg": "<path to rembg>" }
- : name for the sticker (string)
- : name for sticker maker (string)
- config.prefix : prefix for command (string)
- config.groups : to filter whether bots can respond to group chats or not (boolean)
- config.rembg : path to the rembg executable (string)
- console.txt
You can replace ascii in
/$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$$ /$$__ $$ | $$ |__/ | $$ | $$__ $$ /$$__ $$|__ $$__/ | $$ \__//$$$$$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$| $$ /$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ | $$ \ $$| $$ \ $$ | $$ | $$$$$$|_ $$_/ | $$ /$$_____/| $$ /$$/ /$$__ $$ /$$__ $$| $$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ \____ $$ | $$ | $$| $$ | $$$$$$/ | $$$$$$$$| $$ \__/| $$__ $$| $$ | $$ | $$ /$$ \ $$ | $$ /$$| $$| $$ | $$_ $$ | $$_____/| $$ | $$ \ $$| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$/ | $$$$/| $$| $$$$$$$| $$ \ $$| $$$$$$$| $$ | $$$$$$$/| $$$$$$/ | $$ \______/ \___/ |__/ \_______/|__/ \__/ \_______/|__/ |_______/ \______/ |__/
Features | Status |
Image to Sticker | ✅ |
Video to Sticker | ✅ |
Gif to Sticker | ✅ |
Sticker to Image | ✅ |
Sticker to Video | ❎ |
Change Sticker Name & Sticker Author | ✅ |
Prefix can be set in the config/config.json | ✅ |
Supports Reply Image to Sticker | ✅ |
Supports Reply Video to Sticker | ✅ |
Supports Reply Gif to Sticker | ✅ |
Supports Reply Stickers to Images | ✅ |
Commands | Description |
!sticker | Make Image/Video/Gif into Sticker. You can also send Image/Video/Gif into Sticker directly without Command. [in the Caption or Reply message] |
!image | Make Sticker into Image. You can also send Image/Video/Gif into Sticker directly without Command. [in the Reply message] |
!change <name> | <author> | Change Sticker Name & Sticker Author as you wish. [in the Reply message] |
Only works on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Can't work on Android/Termux!