
[BUG] Guild Messages Toggle Broken

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Guild messages toggle is broken somehow. All other toggles seems to be working though.

Guild messages toggle is broken somehow. All other toggles seems to be working though.

Thanks for letting me know, if possible I need a bit more info, after that I'll see if I can reproduce it (potentially) tomorrow.

  • Can you send a message of the guild message you are receiving in chat?
  • Is this occurring on the latest beta build at ?
  • Does it happen with every guild message, or just a few certain ones?

For reference I'll leave the guild file here for later - Guild Toggle

Sorry for such late reply. I didn't think to check my notifications in Github.

  • I still receive all guild messages with it toggled off.
  • Yes, I'm using the latest beta and it's still happening. I tried to go back to the previous builds and it still doesn't prevent guild messages from appearing. I never used it before until now, so I just noticed it. I also tested the other togglable options and others seems to work just fine.

Comparing the code with the messages you're getting, I think it's because of the suffix/tag after users names which hypixel just added.

I'll have a new beta for this in the next few days. Thanks for again for bringing this to my attention, just have to update a few regexes :)

Okay! Looking forward to checking the beta

Should be resolved in 3.0.27 @yanlin41020