
[Question] member functions

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Is there a way to reflect member functions?
If possible, this could fix Boost-ext/te

Yeah, unfortunately, I don't know any way of reflecting member functions (I think P2996 - reflection proposal - also doesn't have it yet) but yeah that would be great. By fixing TE you mean the compilation on some compilers or design/API?

Yes fixing compilation on compilers. TE makes use of stateful meta programming which I don't think is allowed by the standard anymore.

TE issues are related to the implementation and how templated classes are instantiated. Saying that I wasn't able to fix it yet, but I believe it can be done. Regarding the stateful meta-programming though, although not encouraged it is and will be allowed as it's basically impossible to prohibit it without breaking ADL. Also C++26 static reflection proposal allows stateful template meta-programming -