
Does boost::asio::post thread-safe ?

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I used Apach JMeter to send request with 1000 threads.
Then my beast server got a error "void boost::beast::detail::stream_base::pending_guard::assign(bool&): Assertion `! *b_' failed."

In my code, I call boost::asio::post to call async_read and async_write. Is it valid? In my ServerConnection, it has a public funcation name SendRes. It will be call by other threads. So I use boost::asio::post to make my program thread-safe.

void ServerConnection::PostRead()
        boost::beast::bind_front_handler(&ServerConnection::DoRead, shared_from_this()));

void ServerConnection::DoRead()
    auto self(shared_from_this());
    req_ = {};
    if (timeout_ > 0) {
    } else {
    boost::beast::http::async_read(stream_, buffer_, req_, boost::beast::bind_front_handler(&ServerConnection::OnRead,
void ServerConnection::PostSendRes()
        boost::beast::bind_front_handler(&ServerConnection::OnSendRes, shared_from_this()));

void ServerConnection::SendRes(const ServerRes &res)
    if (isClose) {
    auto isBegin = resQueue.Empty();
    if (isBegin) {

Your stream_ object should use its own asio::strand executor. You can see how it is constructed in this example.

Your stream_ object should use its own asio::strand executor. You can see how it is constructed in this example.

You means the ServerConnection's constructor is wrong?

ServerConnection::ServerConnection(boost::asio::io_context& ioContext, ServerHandler& serverHandler,
    HttpServer* server) : isClose(false), server_(server), chunking(false), reqNum(0),
    stream_(boost::asio::make_strand(ioContext)), serverHandler_(serverHandler), mTimer(ioContext) {}

Could you please give me a tip how to modify my code? This problem has bothered me for a long time.

I create a ServerConnection variable form this file "HttpServer.cpp"

void HttpServer::DoAccept(uint32_t i, const TlsItems& tlsItems)
    if (count_ > maxConnections_) {
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
        cv.wait(lock, [this] { return count_ <= maxConnections_; });
    auto &ioContext = ioContextPool_.GetHttpIoCtx();
    if (tlsItems.tlsEnable) {
        std::shared_ptr<ServerConnection> newConnection = std::make_shared<SSLServerConnection>(ioContext,
            serverHandler_[i], this, *(ctx[i]));
        auto &tcpStream = boost::beast::get_lowest_layer(newConnection->GetSSLSocket());
            boost::beast::bind_front_handler(&HttpServer::HandleHandshake, this, newConnection, i, tlsItems));
        LOG_D("[HttpServer] async accept success");
    } else {
        std::shared_ptr<ServerConnection> newConnection = std::make_shared<ServerConnection>(ioContext,
            serverHandler_[i], this);
            boost::beast::bind_front_handler(&HttpServer::HandleAccept, this, newConnection, i, tlsItems));

Is there something wrong with my code?

Your stream_ object should use its own asio::strand executor. You can see how it is constructed in this example.

You means the ServerConnection's constructor is wrong?

ServerConnection::ServerConnection(boost::asio::io_context& ioContext, ServerHandler& serverHandler,
    HttpServer* server) : isClose(false), server_(server), chunking(false), reqNum(0),
    stream_(boost::asio::make_strand(ioContext)), serverHandler_(serverHandler), mTimer(ioContext) {}

Could you please give me a tip how to modify my code? This problem has bothered me for a long time.

It looks correct. Note that you can't schedule more than one read or write operation at a time; the previous operation must be completed before scheduling a new one.

sehe commented

Could this be related to setting the stream timeout while a read/write operation is in progress? @xiaoma565 you can try commenting out the timeout-related calls to compare.