
Suddenly not finding Boost.Format dependency?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Starting some time in the last 24 hours many of the Boost.Math CI tests are failing due to a missing boost/format.hpp, see for example:

The annoying thing is I see no changes in Math, Boostdep, or Format that would cause this!

Hoping you have more ideas than I do...

And yes, this is a bit of a release blocker for us :(

Refs boostorg/math#1046.

You need to tell depinst to look into tools for dependencies because

boost/format.hpp is only included from sources in tools.

The reason this worked before is that Boost.Format was a (false) dependency of PropertyTree, and I removed it.


While there, you should also fix it to look in example as well, for the same reason. Do that by adding -I example -I tools to the depinst invocation here: