- Akuan1994
- Aryansh-SEECS + Business @ UC Berkeley
- AshkanM96University of Toronto
- azureplus
- BlinfoldKingLands between
- cageq
- ccf19881030YBU
- claytonjwongVast Space
- crytech7
- delta4d/dev/null
- Enter-tainerHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- gauravssnllocalhost
- gdyang1990
- Henchel-SantillanUniversity of Waterloo
- JamesLinus@intel
- jeremiahar
- jermpCa' Foscari University of Venice
- jojoghFquant
- krzysiek-chr
- LogarithmusPoznań, Poland
- LoveJello
- MatiRg
- muriloschmalfussTech Lead at Pixeon
- NikitaChampionMoscow, Russia
- nkitagrawalMunich
- plsmaopNVIDIA Corporation
- sharkdp@astral-sh
- skyrpex@winglang
- softempireShanghai
- SteelBlueVision
- upwonKunming , China
- VitHubNoCompany
- voidenseUniversity of Michigan
- XCS1226CHN
- yax571
- YoshiTheChinchillaWorldwide