
Cannot disable zstd with "bjam -sNO_ZSTD" in boost/1.78.0

gcflymoto opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. The integration of bzip2 and zlib is much better in iostreams than the integration of lzma and zstd. There is a need to build boost iostreams with sandboxed versions of all the compressors instead of having bjam find and build against the host OS versions of these

  2. There is no equivalent of ZLIB_SOURCE/BZIP2_SOURCE for LZMA_SOURCE/ZSTD_SOURCE ??

  3. How do I redirect the boost iostreams build to use specific versions of LZMA and ZSTD during boost iostreams build?

  4. bjam -sNO_ZSTD does not work
    ./tools/build/src/engine/bjam -d+2 -sNO_ZSTD --debug-configuration variant=debug toolset=gcc address-model=64 visibility=global cxxflags='--std=c++11 -fPIC -ggdb3 -O0' install --prefix=./sles11_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/deb/boost_1_78_0 --stagedir=./sles11_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/deb/boost_1_78_0-build --includedir=./sles11_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/deb/boost_1_78_0/include --libdir=./sles11_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/deb/boost_1_78_0/lib --with-atomic --with-chrono --with-container --with-context --with-contract --with-coroutine --with-date_time --with-exception --with-fiber --with-filesystem --with-graph --with-graph_parallel --with-headers --with-iostreams --with-locale --with-log --with-math --with-mpi --with-program_options --with-random --with-regex --with-serialization --with-stacktrace --with-system --with-test --with-thread --with-timer --with-type_erasure --with-json --with-python
    notice: [zstd] Using pre-installed library
    notice: [zstd] Condition

    • zstd : yes

which leads to the inevitable linker errors

-I-:/nfs/site/itools/em64t_SLES12SP5/pkgs/gcc/4.7.2/.bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.7.2/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: warning:, needed by
./boost/1.78.0/libs/sles12_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/opt/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
./boost/1.78.0/libs/sles12_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/opt/ undefined reference to ZSTD_freeCStream' ./boost/1.78.0/libs/sles12_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/opt/ undefined reference to lzma_stream_decoder@XZ_5.0'
./boost/1.78.0/libs/sles12_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/opt/ undefined reference to ZSTD_getErrorName' ./boost/1.78.0/libs/sles12_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/opt/ undefined reference to ZSTD_createDStream'
./boost/1.78.0/libs/sles12_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/opt/ undefined reference to ZSTD_freeDStream' ./boost/1.78.0/libs/sles12_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/opt/ undefined reference to ZSTD_compressStream'
./boost/1.78.0/libs/sles12_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/opt/ undefined reference to ZSTD_decompressStream' ./boost/1.78.0/libs/sles12_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/opt/ undefined reference to lzma_code@XZ_5.0'
./boost/1.78.0/libs/sles12_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/opt/ undefined reference to ZSTD_initCStream' ./boost/1.78.0/libs/sles12_x86_64_gcc4.7.2/opt/ undefined reference to lzma_stream_encoder_mt

Supporting building these compression libraries from source is really not maintainable at all.
I don't know the build system well enough to say if there is a better way, but you should be able to use linkflags and compileflags to make it find the libraries elsewhere than the default system paths.
And I think the syntax to disable is -sNO_ZSTD=1 and not specifying a value will not work