
boost::locale::conv::from_utf with charset Latin1

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I write a little test program on windows :

`#include <boost/locale.hpp>
int main()
using namespace boost::locale;
using namespace std;

std::string my_string = "aiou";
    cout << "initial string " << my_string << endl;

    my_string = conv::from_utf(my_string, "Latin1");
    cout << "This is conversion from utf8 from latin " << my_string << endl;

	my_string = conv::to_utf<char>(my_string,"Latin1");
    cout << "This is conversion from to from latin " << my_string << endl;
catch(conv::conversion_error e)
	std::cout << "Error !" << std::endl;
catch (conv::invalid_charset_error e)
    std::cout << "invalid char set error" << std::endl;
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;



I tried to run it with mingw and visual studio 2019 (with cmake). On mingw, I have no problems, it works well. On the other hand, with visual studio 2019, the program throw an exception : Invalid or unsupported charset:Latin1 (version of boost 1.75). it works if replace Latin1 by ISO-8859-1.

According to the documentation (, it looks like a bug for me ... ?

FYI: This is now fixed and will be in the upcoming 1.81 release.

As for the reason it didn't work on MSVC: Your MinGW version (of Boost) was built with IConv and/or ICU but your MSVC version was not build with either falling back to a hard-coded list of possible codepages and that didn't include (the rather informal) "Latin1" but only the "official" names like "ISO-8859-1"

I did add a small change to make "Latin1" a synonym for "ISO-8859-1" for that case.