
New error for CLR projects which have no SFINAE

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For Windows managed C++ CLR projects, the _M_CEE flag is set, which then sets BOOST_NO_SFINAE_EXPR in visualc.hpp.
This results in a new compile error in cxx03_warn.hpp:
1>c:\work\external\libs\Boost\boost_1_81_0\boost\math\tools\cxx03_warn.hpp(92,1): fatal error C1189: #error: Support for C++03 has been removed. The minimum requirement for this library is fully compliant C++11.

So CLR projects are no longer supported?
Can I set a flag to exclude features that use SFINAE?

My temporary workaround is to comment out the BOOST_NO_SFINAE_EXPR check in cxx03_warn.hpp:


System is Windows 10, compiling with Visual Studio 2022 C++17.
With Boost v1.81.0 (upgrading from v1.65.1)

BOOST_NO_SFINAE_EXPR seems the only flag that triggers the error in cxx03_warn.hpp, none of the other BOOST_NO_CXX11_* flags trigger it.

@jzmaddock This should be an issue for Boost.Config correct? All of the BOOST_NO_CXX11_* and BOOST_NO_SFINAE_EXPR come directly from there, and we make no attempt to define them for standalone mode.

Thank you, moved to Boost.Config:

I'll check this out, the CLR compiler used to be pretty brain dead but may have improved, we'll see.

Since VS2017, we were able to remove overloaded constructors in C# which C++ could not previously find.
When updating from VS2017 to VS2022, this resulted in the error:

1>  C:\work\acc_\GuiClr\include\GuiClr\App\NotificationManager.h(85,33): error C2668: 'GuiClr::Command::Command': ambiguous call to overloaded function
1>  C:\work\acc_\GuiClr\include\GuiClr\App\NotificationManager.h(86): message : could be 'GuiClr::Command::Command(GuiClr::VoidHandler ^,GuiClr::ActionWithArgsHandler ^,GuiClr::IsValidHandler ^,System::String ^,System::Windows::Media::ImageSource ^,System::String ^,System::Windows::Media::DrawingGroup ^)'
1>  C:\work\acc_\GuiClr\include\GuiClr\App\NotificationManager.h(86): message : or       'GuiClr::Command::Command(GuiClr::VoidHandler ^)'
1>  C:\work\acc_\GuiClr\include\GuiClr\App\NotificationManager.h(86,1): message : while trying to match the argument list '(GuiClr::VoidHandler ^)'

Removing a Command constructor in Command.cs resolved this.

This was fixed in a later VS2017, or V2019, or VS2022:

There are some SFINAE fixes in those links.