
hypergeometric_1F1 with non-positive parameters is wrong

StatsMan53 opened this issue · 1 comments

hypergeometric_1F1(-2, -4, 2.5) returns 0.3609023, when the correct result is 2.770833 = 2+37/48
hypergeometric_1F1(-2, -4, -2.5) returns 4.39669, when the correct result is 0.2708333 = 37/48

In general, the result of hypergeometric_1F1(a,b,x) is suspect when b<=a<-1 are non-positive integers. The code introduces a point discontinuity under these conditions, so a workaround is to average
hypergeometric_1F1(a,b-epsilon,x) and hypergeometric_1F1(a,b+epsilon,x)


   std::cout << std::setprecision(16);
   std::cout << boost::math::hypergeometric_1F1(-2, -4, 2.5) << std::endl;

I get 2.770833333333333 which agrees with wolfram alpha.


   std::cout << boost::math::hypergeometric_1F1(-2, -4, -2.5) << std::endl;

I see 0.2274438503537196 which is indeed incorrect.

The problem appears to be that Kummer's relation M(a, b, z) = e^z M(b-a, b, -z) appears not to hold in the specific case that both a and b are negative integers (*+1F1%5B-4--2%2C+-4%2C+2.5%5D%29). Fixing that is easy enough, but I worry that I'm missing something, or that some of the other relations we use may also fail.... at present I'm struggling to find any mention of this in the literature, I wonder if you have any references? I had thought that the truncation of the series that occurs when b-a is a negative integer was the issue, but Kummer's relation appears to work fine in the case that a,b are not integers but b-a is. Weird.